Learn Sanskrit in an easy way. Interested in learning Sanskrit?
Yes, You have found the right place!!!. Now Learn Sanskrit in an Easy and Interesting way.
Who we are? Our Vision: पाठयेम संस्कृतं जगति सर्वमानवान् ! प्रापयेम भारतं सपदि परमवैभवम् !!
Our Mission: Reviving a language, rejuvenating a culture, rebuilding a nation that is Bharat!
Samskrita Bharati (founded in 1981) is a movement for the continuing protection, development and propagation of the Sanskritam language as well as the literature, tradition and knowledge systems embedded in it.
Samskrita Bharati is a non-profit organization comprised of a large team of very dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers who take the knowledge of Sanskrit to all sections of society irrespective of race,
gender, region, religion, caste, age, etc.
About Sanskrit Gaurav Pariksha
In order to introduce the simplicity and sweetness of the Sanskrit language, the project “Sanskrit Gaurav Pariksha” is going on all over the country. In Gujarat also the work for this exam is going on from Ahmedabad. This Sanskrit Gaurav Pariksha project has been running for 18 years in Sanskrit Bharati Gujarat. It has four exams. The examination is conducted in four sections namely 'Praveshika', 'Pradipika', 'Pramodika' and 'Pravahika'. So far two and a half lakh examinees from Gujarat have participated in this. So hope you too get introduced to the simplicity and sweetness of Sanskrit by registering for the exam from this app.