detailed explanation
Mastermind is an app that helps CEOs and goal setters boost their confidence and strengthen their positive mindset through daily manifestos. Users can strengthen their motivation to move toward their goals by reading the displayed phrases every day.
Key features:
STT (Speech-to-Text): Converts and records read-aloud speech into text in real time.
Auto-recording: Your voice will be automatically recorded as you read the declaration, and the recording will be stored on our servers and can be downloaded and replayed locally when needed.
Daily reader list: Provides a list of users who have completed reading, which is reset every midnight, and 2 to 3 users are randomly displayed at the top.
Simple login: Naver, Kakao, etc. provide simple login functions so you can log in easily.
Declaration by type: Your declaration will be customized depending on the type you selected when signing up.
Manage my information: The total number of readings and the number of consecutive reading days are recorded. If there are more than 10 consecutive days, it is displayed as ‘10 or more days.’
Achieve your goals with Master Mind, which helps build positive thinking and confidence!