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The Walking Dead: Survivors

By admin

7 12 月, 2024

undefined imageGame of the WeekThe Walking Dead: Survivors

Battling for survival is not an easy task, especially in the harsh world of The Walking Dead. Doing so while competing with other survivors is just one of the biggest challenges you’ll have ahead of you in our Game of the Week, so be ready to fight the undead in The Walking Dead: Survivors!

You’ll start off with a few survivors, but one of your main goals would be to grow the population of your base as much as possible. To do so, you’ll have to build and upgrade several constructions, such as the Radio Tower, which you can use to recruit new survivors to your compound. People would be a great asset to complete basic survival tasks like foraging for lumber and food, assign them jobs and even protect your base. Resources are key to progress in The Walking Dead: Survivor, but also to defend your territory from the zombies and keep everyone safe.

If you’re a fan of Negan, Michonne, Rick and Glenn, you’ll feel like you’re taking part in The Walking Dead action, so get this survival title now and make sure you stay safe!

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