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0.1.1 By IndonesiaCore


Indonesia is one of the largest producers of Used Cooking Oil (UCO) in the world. According to data from …

Indonesia is one of the largest producers of Used Cooking Oil (UCO) in the world. According to data from GlobalData, in 2020 Indonesia is the second largest UCO producer in the world after China, with a total production of 2.29 million metric tons. Based on a report from Research and Markets, in 2020 Indonesia is also the second largest UCO exporter in the world after the Netherlands, with a total export of 870,000 tonnes. In addition, Indonesia also has great potential in biodiesel production from UCO. According to a report from the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR), in 2019 Indonesia has a biodiesel production capacity of 1.1 million kiloliters from UCO. As an important UCO producer, Indonesia has the opportunity to meet the growing demand for UCO in the European Union, especially in order to achieve the target of using biofuels in the transportation, aviation and marine sectors through the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), ReFuelEU Aviation, and FuelEU Maritime. In order to ensure that UCO exported to the European Union meets the standards set, Indonesia has committed to improving sustainable environmental practices in UCO processing. One of the efforts made is to support a gateway system for UCO traceability and UCO scheduled delivery, such as ERPMijel. With ERPMijel, Indonesia can ensure that the UCO exported to the European Union comes from safe and verified sources, and meets the standards set by the European Union for use in biodiesel production. Every UCO collector and exporter in Indonesia owns and uses ERPMijel to transact transparently. The origin of UCO can be known from the purchase and delivery transactions. ERPMijel accelerates the flow of information on the number of UCO stocks at each distribution point so that the purchasing process can be carried out quickly and transparently. In addition, the collection schedule can be known and mutually agreed upon. UCO collectors and exporters can find out the quantity of UCO obtained from the origin to the net weight in their respective warehouses. European buyers can also use ERPMijel to verify the origin of their UCO and ensure that the UCO they buy comes from safe and verified sources. With ERPMijel, they can trace the footprint of their UCO from origin to delivery, and ensure that the UCO they buy meets the standards set by the European Union.

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Last updated on Jun 7, 2023