Welcome to Nevada Made Marijuana!
Whether you’re at home, on the way to the store, or shopping with us in-store, our mobile app brings the best of Nevada Made Marijuana to your mobile device.
Earn Points
As a rewards member. you will be able to earn and track points with every purchase. Not a Nevada Made Marijuana rewards member yet? Easily signup in our app!
Redeem rewards and personalized discountsUse your points to redeem earned rewards. Redeem custom personalized
discounts and promotions tailored to your preferences.
Real-time updates
Enable push notifications to be the first to know about product launches, restocks, app-exclusive deals, happy hours, and more
Refer your friends
With your own personal referral link, you will be able to earn more points for every friend you refer to Nevada Made Marijuana.
Stay connected
Through our messaging center, you can keep track of all notifications and messages sent to you from the Nevada Made Marijuana.
Download the Nevada Made Marijuana app today and discover our amazing deals.