The Ten Keys to Success is a book written by Ibrahim Al-Feki, which took several years to write. It is the result of extensive and extensive studies in the field of business administration and marketing. He also conducted many interviews with the most famous successful people in the world and owners of major companies. It was found that the ten reasons for success that he knew were included in this book. The book achieved sales of more than one million copies, and was translated into three languages (Arabic, English, and French).
the ten keys to success
The first key: motives. A driver of human behavior.
The second key: energy. Fuel of life.
The third key: skill. The Garden of Wisdom.
The fourth key: visualization (imagination). road to success.
The fifth key: action (application). The path to power.
The sixth key: Expectation is the path to reality.
The seventh key: commitment. Seeds of achievement
The eighth key: flexibility. ductility strength
The ninth key: patience. The key to goodness
The tenth key: Discipline, which is the basis of self-control
Quotations from the book:
“Man, unfortunately, relies heavily on external motivation in order to feel appreciated by his superiors
And his friends and family members. We always need the approval of others, and we always like to be appreciated, and we want people to look at us with respect so that we feel our self-worth. This may be a reason why we sometimes act in ways that do not match our desires and do things that do not necessarily come from within us.”
“Make your first goal to be excellent at what you do.”
“Everything you expect with complete confidence will actually happen in your life.”