PeerPe is a dynamic currency marketplace that revolutionizes the way users exchange currencies by offering a secure and efficient platform for transactions between advertisers and buyers. The process begins with advertisers, who need to top up their credits on the PeerPe platform. These credits serve as a security deposit, ensuring safe and reliable transactions. For example, if an advertiser tops up credits worth 10,000 CAD, they can place an ad for up to 9,000 CAD, maintaining a security buffer to cover any potential discrepancies or issues.
Once the credits are topped up, the advertiser can create a currency ad on the platform. This ad includes specific details such as the amount of currency available for exchange, the exchange rate, and any additional terms or conditions. Buyers can then browse these ads, select their desired currency, and initiate the transaction by making a payment to the advertiser’s recipient bank account. This process is designed to be user-friendly and efficient, allowing buyers to quickly find the currency they need.
The transaction process is initiated once the buyer makes the payment to the advertiser’s recipient bank account. The advertiser is then notified and prompted to transfer the equivalent amount to the buyer’s recipient account. To ensure transparency and security, both parties are required to confirm the receipt of payments in their respective accounts. This dual confirmation process is a key feature of the PeerPe platform, building trust and guaranteeing that all transactions are conducted smoothly and securely.
The confirmation process involves several steps. First, the buyer confirms that they have made the payment to the advertiser’s recipient bank account. This confirmation is logged on the PeerPe platform, and the advertiser is notified. The advertiser then transfers the equivalent amount to the buyer’s recipient account and confirms the transfer on the platform. The buyer receives the payment and confirms receipt on the platform. Once both parties have confirmed receipt of the payments, the transaction is marked as settled on the PeerPe platform. The advertiser’s credits are then adjusted accordingly, reflecting the completion of the transaction.