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7.1.28 De Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Ltd


Welcome to the new world of Mobile E-nvesting!You don’t have to chase investments because investments will chase you now …

Welcome to the new world of Mobile E-nvesting!

You don’t have to chase investments because investments will chase you now wherever you go! Because, we have made your ‘Investments’ mobile! FundzBazar has launched its new Mobile App which is easy to use and easy to navigate offering great flexibility in investing. With features ranging from basic to advanced, it gives the investors total control of their investments.

FundzBazar App provides the investor with a unique feature called ‘Dashboard’ which provides a snapshot of investments made by the investor including the inflows/outflows of the past month at a single point. It also provides updates regarding Pending Transactions, Upcoming SIPs, STPs and SWPs.

The App also provides notifications regarding any upcoming SIP/STP/SWP installments or any pending transactions or anything which is pending from investor’s part e.g. submitting NACH Mandate.

With FundzBazar’s Mobile App now you can–

– Access Valuation Report, Gain/Loss Report and can track your investments Anytime, Anywhere and On-The-Go

– Purchase/Additional Purchase, Redeem and Switch with just a few taps

– Start SIPs instantly using one time mandate

– Stagger your investing through STPs

– Withdraw systematically through SWPs

The FundzBazar App is loaded with advanced features like –

– Step-Up SIP – Link your income to your SIP and set up a Step-Up SIP

– Set Triggers – Take advantage of market falls by setting up Purchase/Switch Triggers

So, get ready to E-nvest Anytime Anywhere with FundzBazar’s new Mobile App.

Wish you Appy E-nvesting!

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Laste ĝisdatigita je Dec 3, 2024

We are excited to introduce the Folio Detail Report! It allows investors to view the bank details linked to their existing folios.
Additionally, the All Products Portfolio has been enhanced to provide a seamless experience in tracking the performance of investments across various products.
We are also introducing the Loan Against Mutual Funds feature, enabling investors to access a credit line against mutual fund investments. Instead of redeeming MF units and missing out on potential growth.