Warning: Undefined array key "heading_title_report" in /www/wwwroot/okappstore.org/wp-content/plugins/report-content/inc/report-form.php on line 331
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Requires Android
7.0+ (Nougat)
Last updated on 2024-10-31
[2020-02-11]2.10: 1. Bugfix: Half of previous searched address were discarded. 2. Reduce condition to come out 'Modify All' from 100 addresses to 10. 3. Change 'count' text color.[2020-01-26]2.09: 1. Bugfix: It stucks if device is not rooted.[2020-01-25]2.08: 1. Change the way to find top Activity, from AccessibilityService to UsageStats. 2. Found out the root cause of AdMob always 'Failed to load ad: 3', it's Google considers my App a violation of the Content Policy. and due to InMobi always Timed Out, so change to Leadbolt. 3. Bugfix: Missing registerReceiver() to a BroadcastReceiver. 4. Add 'WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY' for Android 8.0 . 5. Move everything in Service to Activity (remove Service). 6. Add new way of preventing App from being killed by LMK. 7. Support 64-bit address.[2018/12/30]2.07: Due to AdMob failed to load Ad for some reason, so change to InMobi.