FM-world Radio icon

4.0 2.7k Reviews 10 Reads By 22HBG srl


FM-world is the best way to listen for FREE to the best radio stations via LIVE STREAMING through your …

FM-world is the best way to listen for FREE to the best radio stations via LIVE STREAMING through your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV or in car with the CarPlay system.
With FM-world you can finally listen to the radio in high quality and through a simple and immediate graphic interface.
Search for a specific radio station or listen to a preview of what each station is transmitting, thanks to the exclusive SCAN function.
Save your favorite radio stations at the top of the list (via 3d-touch or long-press on logos) and search the italian FM frequencies by region and province.
Use the "news" section to stay up-to-date with the latest news published by our editorial team. Let's talk about frequency changes, speakers, gossip, rankings, trends, etc … everything about the italian radio world!
Main features:

– Search and listen the main Italian radio stations in streaming through Wi-Fi, 3G and 4G
– Listen to the radio while using other applications (background playback)
– Save your favorite radios at the top of the list (3d-pressure or long-press)
– Follow football matches live, national and international sporting events
– Discover the title and author of the songs being played (on compatible stations)
– Search for the FM frequencies of the italian radios
– Sleep timer: go to sleep by listening to your favorite radio
– Listen to the radio on other smart devices (bluetooth speakers, apple TV …) via Air-Play
– Open FM-world app via Siri
– Read the latest news world on the radio world
- Scan: listen to an 8
-second preview of each radio station and decide which one to listen to
– Selfie: take a picture, add a FM-world sticker and share it with whoever you want

– Report to our team the signal quality and FM frequency of a radio station in your city

Designed for iPhone and iPad, FM-world is also available for Apple Watch and in-car radio with CarPlay system! Follow the radios and the programs, listen, pause, jump from one content to another and see what's on-air, all from your smart watch or through the dashboard of your car.

Download FM-world for free now and listen to the best music, news and sports radio in Italy!

Some of the available broadcasters: RTL 102.5 FM, RDS, Radio Deejay, Radio Italia, Rai Radio 1, Rai Radio 2, Virgin Radio, Radio 24, Radio Kiss Kiss, m2o, Radio Capital, R101, Radio Subasio, Rai Radio 3, Radio Maria, RMC 1 Radio Monte Carlo, Radio Sportiva, Rai Isoradio, Radio Zeta, Radio Norba, Radio Margherita, Radio Bruno, Radio Kiss Kiss Italia, Radio Company, Radio Birikina , LatteMiele, Radio Ibiza, Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli, Radio Globo, Radio Number One, Radio Studiopiu, Radio Cuore, Radio Italia Anni 60 (Lombardia & Liguria), Radio 105 FM, Radio80, Radio Popolare, Viva FM, Radio Piterpan, Ciccio Riccio, Radio Padova, Radio Bella & Monella, Gamma Radio, Radio Fantastica, Radio Reporter, Radio Suby, Radio Radicale, Discoradio, Radio Marte, Dimensione Suono Roma, Radio Nostalgia, Radio News 24, Radio Pico, Radionorba Music & Sport, Radio Studio Delta RSD, Radio Ciao, Retesport, Radiosei, Radio Jukebox, Radio Italia Anni 60 (Emila Romagna & Marche), Radio Manila, Easy Network, House Of Frankie, Radio Yacht

We are also waiting for you in the FM-world group on Facebook, we are the most important community about radio broadcasting in Italy:
Every day debates, food for thought, updates and news on the Italian radio world, directly by fans and professionals!
To insert your radio in the app or for support contact us by writing to

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What's News?

Last updated on Nov 19, 2024

In this version:

• Tablet: Fixed login issues, favorite buttons, and advanced metadata.
• Images now visible in articles.
• CarPlay: Fixed favorite playback.
• Fixed player restart after calls.

Update now!