Teman Bumil – Kehamilan & Anak icon

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2.23.4 By Global Urban Esensial


The journey to becoming a mother is a phase full of challenges. Starting from undergoing promil, going through the …

The journey to becoming a mother is a phase full of challenges. Starting from undergoing promil, going through the pregnancy period, to accompanying the child's growth and development process. This precious period is certainly easier if you are accompanied by a trusted source of information.

Pregnant Friends have been accompanying Mums and Dads in Indonesia for more than 6 years. As a Millennial Mother's Friend, Pregnant Friend is equipped with information and various features to be the best friend for Mums. The information available ranges from promil, pregnancy, and child growth and development up to the age of 5 years.

The information available is complete, for promil ranging from natural promil to assisted reproductive technology. In this way, Teman Bumil also acts as a pregnancy program application for second-line fighters. Friends of Pregnant Women also acts as a pregnancy check application and provides pregnancy information every week of pregnancy.

The features in Teman Bumil are designed to be interactive and easy to access, such as:

This feature monitors the growth and development of the fetus and child easily. Equipped with interesting illustrations, monitoring pregnancy and child development becomes more fun!

Mother and Child Medical Records
Save data for Mums and your little one with this feature! Apart from making it easier to review fetal growth every month, the data is stored safely, easy to carry anywhere, and can be accessed at any time.

Teleconsultation with Experts
Ask the experts about the concerns of Mums and their little ones

Here Mums can watch lots of educational videos from experts. The topics vary, from promil and exercise for promil, pregnancy, childbirth preparation, to parenting.

With this feature, Mums can shop for products and services according to the needs of themselves and their children. Fast delivery and easy payment methods. With the Shopping feature, it's easier and faster for Mums to buy what they need!

Mums can ensure a smooth pregnancy, check for a healthy pregnancy, and get parenting education by reading more than 1000 articles on Teman Bumil. Articles are available chronologically according to phase, so they are easy to access and follow needs.

The Pregnant Friends Community is a place to learn together from the promil phase, through pregnancy and parenting. Here Mums can have free discussions with experts, take part in giveaways, and discuss with other Mums!

Have lots of memorable photos? Mums can neatly store photos of their pregnancy and child development in the Journal feature. Important photos are no longer messy anymore.

Find trusted tips and tricks in the Pregnant Friends Tips feature. Mums can get answers to the challenges that Mums experience in the form of promil tips, pregnancy, and parenting tips.

With these features, Teman Bumil is ready to become the best pregnancy application to accompany Mums on their journey as mothers. Because Pregnant Friends are the best friends for every mother.

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Last updated on Nov 19, 2024

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