This is inspired by 35mm film cameras that take photos using the 65×24 aspect ratio, for example cameras such as the Hasselblad XPAN / Fuji TX-1
Now, all you need is an android with a camera to be able to capture your very own!
App Features
– Photos taken in 65×24 aspect ratio
– Apply film filters in REAL TIME to the viewfinder as well as the saved images
– Built in gallery so you can easily keep a track of all your photos
– EXIF data saved to images, including Location tags (optional)
– Supports telephoto Zoom cameras*
Film Simulation details:
– Full algorithmic implementation which responds dynamically to images in ways that static presets cannot
– Based on actual film characteristics
— Precise, multi-point tone curves with specific values derived from film scan data
— Full color matrix transformations
— Color matrices account for cross-channel color mixing, which is crucial for accurately simulating how film responds to different colors of light
— Grain characteristics including size, roughness, and intensity variation across tones
* Please note that the app will default to your phone's ultra-wide camera if it has it. Press the focal length button in the top-left to switch to the main camera. Now when you change the zoom level the app will use whichever telephoto lens is appropriate.