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Pokémon Masters

By admin

7 12 月, 2024

undefined imageGame of the WeekPokémon Masters

If anyone thought that after Pokémon GO and Pokémon Duel we would have had enough of them… They were wrong. Pokémon Masters is here to stay and a proof of that is that servers were down during the first days due to high demand! Isn’t that a good reason for it to be our Game of the Week? It’s not the only reason, keep reading!

This time, the Pokémon universe is not about catching ’em all. As you travel around the Island of Pasio, you’ll meet other trainers to team up with them and their pokémon, and each trainer has a specific companion -red uses Charizard, for example. Once your gang is ready, you’ll be able to enjoy a new 3×3 battle system. This is the best part, since teamwork is especially important in Pok+emon Masters. You’ll have to combine your moves and your attacks in these real-time battles. Based in a poker refill system, we’re seeing for the first time in the pokémon universe that trainers move and have a more active role in battles.

The in-game currency this time is gems, and you can use them to add new sync pairs. As usual, there are different ways of earning them. From the first time login, to logging in each day for up to 10 days or taking part in special missions.

If you’re an experienced pokémon trainer, I’m sure you’ll like this game even if the dynamic of collecting them is not that important. If you are not a pokémon trainer… I don’t know what you’re waiting for! Give Pokémon Masters a try and join the excitement!

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