퀵서비스 퀵톡-퀵전국화물이사 당일퀵배송 icon

4.5 5.9k Reviews 71 Reads

1.5.10 By (주)아이쿱스


Business Daily Partner "Quick Talk"Simple delivery reception system using messenger and radio talk Real-time information sharing system from reception …

Business Daily Partner "Quick Talk"

Simple delivery reception system using messenger and radio talk

Real-time information sharing system from reception to dispatch and completion

Launched the first quick service app in 2011

Google's first (2012~) smart and simple delivery text input reception implementation

Registered with Korea Franchise Association for the first time in quick service. Realization of nationwide same-day service linked to ktx high-speed terminal

Short-distance optimal dispatch system service to quick service and one-room moving for local cargo

Real-time 10% mileage accrual points provided

[Quick Talk]

1. Scope of service: Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon (all areas of the metropolitan area), 6 metropolitan cities nationwide

2. Service area: Seoul Metropolitan City, Gyeonggi-do, Incheon, Busan, Sejong Special Self-Governing City, Daegu Metropolitan City
Busan, Gwangju, Ulsan

3. Organizer: ICOOPs Co., Ltd.

4. Description blog:
Quicktalk https://blog.naver.com/quicktalk


Pulmuone, E-Mart, Today, General Affairs Team, Courier Finder, Zero Web, Iron Bag, Park On, Flower Sellers, LG Uplus, SK Tellink, Sejung Travel Agency, ubpay (UBPay)

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Last updated on Nov 21, 2024

퀵톡 업데이트 1.5.10
- 구글 API 34 최신 정책 반영
- 앱 버그 수정
- 오토바이퀵에 다마스, 라보, 트럭 오더 링크 추가
- 구형 단말기 적용(Android 9)
- 오더 접수 시 가입 번호와 전화번호 동일 체크 반영
- 대화목록 검색 기능 추가(대화명 검색)
- 기타 기능 수정

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- 사용 내역에 출착변경 기능 추가
- 대화방 퀵접수 메뉴 화면 수정

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