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Dead by Daylight Mobile

By admin

7 12 月, 2024

undefined imageGame of the WeekDead by Daylight Mobile

We’ve all been waiting for it since it was first launched for iOS back in October and, especially, since Netflix launched the series about The Witcher in December. That was probably the moment when the public discovered this amazing story. The Android version of GWENT: The Witcher combines both the storyline of the books and the game’s timelines – so, can it be any better? Clearly, this card deck game deserves to be our Game of the Week!

It’s already a quite well-known title for us all and since its arrival to PC in 2016, it has hit almost every single platform! That’s probably why we were all looking forward for this moment and Behaviour Interactive, the studio behind it, has delivered on time. As promised, Dead by Daylight Mobile arrived to Android on April 16th and it’s a pleasure to officially declare it our Game of the Week.

We also have to talk about the graphics. They could be better. We understand you’ve got to adapt these to the specifications of a mobile device, and as a comparison with the PC version this might not be fair… but graphics seem to be a bit rough. Dead by Daylight has always had characteristic graphics that made it unique and helped created an atmosphere of tension and fear. We believe that, if they are to keep their identity, some improvement on graphics would be much appreciated. Our recommendation to compensate the graphics quality and still get into that atmosphere is use good quality headphones and turn up the volume. It actually works quite well!

Although the fans of the PC version might feel slightly disappointed, we are quite happy with the result when looking at it with perspective; this is the mobile version! If you haven’t tried it yet, do it now and let us know what you think in our social media channels.

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