League of Angels: Chaos
12 月 7, 2024
Game of the WeekLeague of Angels: Chaos
We continue the strategy season with one of our favorite fantasy games in the Android gaming world. In League of Angels: Chaos you’ll not only have a deep and engaging story full of amazing characters and scenarios but also some very innovative features to boost the community-driven feeling. Ready for our Game of the Week?
League of Angels: Chaos is a multiplayer role-playing game brought to us by Yoozoo, a studio already famous for titles like Infinity Kingdo and Forsaken World. The storyline is reaching enough for it to easily appear in the next HBO production: Ragnarok has taken this fantasy world into chaos so you, as a champion of the gods, are in charge of fighting the monsters to bring peace to the realm. Once you jump into League of Angels: Chaos you’ll find the three starter classes with their very specific abilities. Dragoon is a powerful champion that faces his enemies with blades in both hands, Mage uses magic spells to defeat the foes and, Archer, our favorite one, proves to have excellent skills with the arrows.
We’re quite sure that with all these amazing features and storyline, League of Angels: Chaos can easily become the next bit title in the MMORPG world, so get it now and let us know what you think on our social media!