"Przepisy.pl is probably the best cookbook you had." – Antyapps.pl
Cook seasonally, cleverly and quickly with the most popular culinary application in Poland!
More than 9 000 recipes for meals, snacks and cakes. Download and become the master of your kitchen!
Przepisy.pl application are:
• Base more than 9 000 regulations checked dinners, snacks and cakes, desserts and drinks
• Interesting thematic categories, including simple recipes, world cuisines, chefs council, fashionable twist
• Inspiration for each day – top recipes for every season and every day new menu of the day
In addition – the convenience and modernity:
• High quality photos for each recipe
• Improved search
• Convenient scanner products
• Convenient widget on the home screen of your smartphone
• Tasty and easy-to-use effects Material Design
Download! Have on hand daily culinary inspiration and recipes for successful baking.
With us you will cook a delicious and fast for the whole family. Enjoy!
The application Przepisy.pl is sponsored by Unilever Poland.
If you use the application you experience any problems or want to report us your suggestions for changes, please contact us at: unilever.apps@gmail.com – then together quickly we find a solution to the problem.